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picture1_Nutrition Physiology Pdf 141654 | S Nutrition And Dietetics

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File: Nutrition Physiology Pdf 141654 | S Nutrition And Dietetics
1 periyar university periyar palkalai nagar salem 636 011 syllabus for b sc nutrition and dietetics choice based credit system outcome based education for candidates admitted in the colleges affiliated ...

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...Periyar university palkalai nagar salem syllabus for b sc nutrition and dietetics choice based credit system outcome education candidates admitted in the colleges affiliated to from onwards contents page sem paper title of code no i major course human physiology practical ii food science iii nutritional biochemistry sbec preservation processing iv principle analysis quality control standard v life cycle vi advanced elective public health basic research methodology bakery vii institutional training viii microbiology ix quantity service physical facilities sports fitness diet counselling entrepreneurship development allied papers only general home non courses other nmec regulations preamble curriculum has been structured prepare undergraduates achieve skills move forward with society community nation recognized given a special role national this is following on same lines laid out policy aims at students take up leadership roles extension outreach programs are encouraged develop scientif...

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