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picture1_Kidney Diet Pdf 141545 | Kidney Diet After Transplant

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File: Kidney Diet Pdf 141545 | Kidney Diet After Transplant
diet after transplant your diet will change after your transplant if your new kidney is slow to start functioning you may need to remain on your dialysis diet of low ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Diet after transplant your will change if new kidney is slow to start functioning you may need remain on dialysis of low sodium potassium phosphorus and limited fluid however as function improves be able enjoy much more variety other changes with improved include normal pancreas drink glasses oz preferably water daily alcoholic caffeinated beverages do not count requirement can increase the foods in by enjoying from all major food groups first months continue same amount protein that needed during incision has healed needs go down about what best sources are meats fish poultry dairy products eggs nuts dried beans lentils peas soybeans soy milk tofu nut butters seeds magnesium wheat bran germ almonds peanuts cashews spinach raisin cereal have amounts dark green leafy vegetables tomatoes oranges bananas potatoes it also important take adequate calcium protect bones yogurt cheeses puddings ice cream should limit intake one medications prednisone cause retention limiting salt help control ...

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