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picture1_Plastic Pdf 140563 | Jwc Consensus Lipoedema

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File: Plastic Pdf 140563 | Jwc Consensus Lipoedema
international consensus document lipoedema a paradigm shift and consensus supported by authors christine mo att nottingham trent university uk lead authors tobias bertsch gabriele erbacher nestor torio padron practice clinic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International consensus document lipoedema a paradigm shift and supported by authors christine mo att nottingham trent university uk lead tobias bertsch gabriele erbacher nestor torio padron practice clinic for plastic surgery freiburg germany foldi hinterzarten european center of lymphology christian ure wolfsberg austria author rebecca elwell stephan wagner rehaclinic bad zurzach switzerland hospitals north midlands nhs trust other kols supporting the foreword written hugo partsch hakan brorson department clinical sciences lund division general dermatology medical vienna reconstructive skane hospital malmo sweden group leif perbeck karolinska omas zahringer nele devoogdt rehabilitation katholieke universiteit leuven belgium domenico corda polimedica san lanfranco pavia italy sarah omis robert j damstra kirsten van duinen jose esch smeenge stephane vignes service reference centre ad hendrickx bea koet expertise in lymphovascular rare vascular diseases hopital cognacq jay paris france ...

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