File: Nutrition Physiology Pdf 140395 | Syllabus Bscnutr
the university of burdwan syllabus for three year b sc honours course in nutrition with effect from 2012 2013 onwards distribition of marks part i theoretical paper i 100 marks ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The university of burdwan syllabus for three year b sc honours course in nutrition with effect from onwards distribition marks part i theoretical paper ii iii practical iv v vi vii viii total details papers and distribution a human physiology general aspect food science biochemistry commodities diet therapy microbiology community epidemiology nutritional assessment programme nutrigenomics management body composition l generalized structural makeup structure functions animal cell special reference to plasma membrane fluid mosaic model nucleus nuclear chromatin nucleolus digestive system g tract process digestion absorption liver gallbladder pancreas cardio vascular blood its groups heart cardiac cycle output pressure regulation coagulation brief respiratory lungs gaseous exchange oxygen carbon dioxide transport acclimatization idea excretory kidney nephron urine formation function skin reproductive gonads menstrual pregnancy parturition lactation menopause nervous sympathetic parasympat...