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picture1_Postpartum Nutrition Pdf 140171 | The Influence Of Nutrition And Rest Against The Spending Colostrom On Postpartum Mothers

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File: Postpartum Nutrition Pdf 140171 | The Influence Of Nutrition And Rest Against The Spending Colostrom On Postpartum Mothers
proceeding of surabaya international health conference july 13 14 2017 the influence of nutrition and rest against the spending colostrom on postpartum mothers yunik windarti faculty of nursing and midwifery ...

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...Proceeding of surabaya international health conference july the influence nutrition and rest against spending colostrom on postpartum mothers yunik windarti faculty nursing midwifery university nahdlatul ulama email yunikwinda unusa ac id abstract breast milk is most perfect food for babies especially at beginning birth known as but many still found obstructed so that mother can not breastfeed exclusively efforts to support discharge has been started since pregnancy until time parturition by meeting their needs namely including fact abstain t set it a break this research aims analyze design analytical population was all people hours days in bpm vivi large sample taken with technique purposive sampling independent variable while dependent data were analyzed using chi square test results showed how good well or value ci less expenditure smoothly partially there significant nutritional variables p colostrum analysis obtained values from conclusion study getting more does workers expected ...

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