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picture1_Kidney Diet Pdf 139776 | B5a3f50272153394dec8b11d8edc1ae8

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File: Kidney Diet Pdf 139776 | B5a3f50272153394dec8b11d8edc1ae8
renal diet kristen hershey phd rn cne keywords renal diet dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet mediterranean diet chronic kidney disease key points the nurse is an important part of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Renal diet kristen hershey phd rn cne keywords dietary approaches to stop hypertension mediterranean chronic kidney disease key points the nurse is an important part of health care team for patient and must be knowledgeable about basics in order reinforce guidelines individualized based on stage comorbid ities laboratory values preferences goalsofdietarytherapyincludemaintainingrenalfunction preventingcomplications providing adequate nutrients keynutrients that may require modification include sodium phosphorus calcium potassium protein introduction patients with have complex needs should managed by a registered dietician consultation dieti cian covered under medicare most insurance plans dis ease management has been proven decrease mortality however caring also well versed therapy assist making appropriate food choices reinforcing answering questions as they arise this article intended provide basic information needed effective member there are many factors go into recommendations the...

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