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cornell journal of law and public policy volume 3 article 10 issue 2 spring 1994 learning the hard way l tryptophan the fda and the regulation of amino acids carter ...

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...Cornell journal of law and public policy volume article issue spring learning the hard way l tryptophan fda regulation amino acids carter anne mcgowan follow this additional works at http scholarship edu cjlpp part commons recommended citation vol iss available is brought to you for free open access by journals a digital repository it has been accepted inclusion in an authorized administrator more information please contact jmp i sit before helpless broke alone unyielding relentless pain those who have died us live with cloudy futures lack action too little late we needed help our orphan dis ease need now u s government totally ineffective each agonizing day grow fragile appear be remission rejoice but cannot say certainty that anyone cured as long exact cause cure not found many want life again frances thompson ems victim introduction reports mysterious crippling illness surfaced new mexico during october severe muscle marked thickening skin fatigue dyspnea blood counts well out norma...

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