eating guidelines to prevent osteoporosis it s never too late what is osteoporosis osteoporosis is a disease that develops over time it is often called the silent thief because osteoporosis ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Eating guidelines to prevent osteoporosis it s never too late what is a disease that develops over time often called the silent thief because gradually steals your bone density without any signs or symptoms in fact osteo means and porosis porous thin weak instead of being strong dense bones are fragile making them easier break when you fall many people don t even know they have until breaks fractures about million canadians more common women but men can also develop age at least risk for here just few factors our naturally get thinner as we grow older family history if someone had fracture caused by especially mom hip due then there higher chance ll early menopause estrogen helps keep healthy levels drop start lose faster low calcium intake enough be mineral an x ray showing losing content major factor weight do weigh less than lbs kg lighter now were dietitians canada all rights reserved english literature title may reproduced its entirety provided source acknowledged this information...