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picture1_Iron Diet Pdf 139462 | Iron In Foods Dohtasmania2016

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File: Iron Diet Pdf 139462 | Iron In Foods Dohtasmania2016
iron in foods why iron is important iron is a mineral that helps our bodies carry iron in plant foods oxygen around in the blood this gives energy iron is ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Iron in foods why is important a mineral that helps our bodies carry plant oxygen around the blood this gives energy also found called to be active each day non haem harder for with brain development body absorb but are still good when babies born they have enough source of especially if your family follows stores their first six months after vegetarian or vegan diet need start getting from food sources plants include how does deficiency happen l egumes beans and lentils tofu children may become deficient g reen leafy vegetables low many reasons most i nfant breakfast cereal added common not eating rich wholemeal bread signs can being tired n uts seeds such as almonds cashews no reason out breath easily pinenuts pumpkin sunflower losing appetite use nut pastes under three years you worried about child s levels age check services allergy aware talk gp policy before sending nuts care school animal helping get more meat kind o ffer red pork fish chicken absorbed best by legumes every cere...

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