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picture1_Grey Wolf Management Plan

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File: Grey Wolf Management Plan
management plan for the grey wolf canis lupus in british columbia prepared by b c ministry of forests lands and natural resource operations april 2014 management plan for the grey ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 06 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Management plan for the grey wolf canis lupus in british columbia prepared by b c ministry of forests lands and natural resource operations april recommended citation victoria bc pp cover illustration photograph courtesy dr gerry kuzyk additional copies can be downloaded from webpage at publication information isbn content excluding illustrations may used without permission with appropriate credit to source i disclaimer this has been as advice responsible jurisdiction organizations that involved managing wolves document identifies actions are deemed necessary based on best available scientific manage populations achieve goals objectives identified herein subject priorities budgetary constraints participatory agencies recommendations provided will environment guide development new or modification existing provincial policies procedures while science expert judgment writers reviewers policy considerations modify these respecting their intent address social economic modified future accomm...

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