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picture1_Nutrition Curriculum Pdf 138947 | 10072015 Annexure 85(a V)

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File: Nutrition Curriculum Pdf 138947 | 10072015 Annexure 85(a V)
proposed syllabus of b a prog nutrition and health education choice based credit system from ugc 2015 1 preamble nutrition has been recognized and given a special role in national ...

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...Proposed syllabus of b a prog nutrition and health education choice based credit system from ugc preamble has been recognized given special role in national development this course is following on the same lines laid out policy curriculum aims at training students to take up leadership roles extension community outreach programs are encouraged develop scientific temper familiarizing them with use newer technologies methods family linkages sustainable resources for human hall mark enriching minds who have interest learning finer points generates lot concerns issues very close individual heart key facilitate study enhance quality life its approach therefore inherently interdisciplinary that engages student through teaching research holistic multidimensional understanding various topics covers basic aspects nutrients food science stages cycle safety security as well open vast current spectrum malnutrition equips skill academic entrepreneurship employment fields industry clinics ngos etc o...

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