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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 138568 | Dietary Fiber Profile Of Food Legumes

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File: Agricultural Pdf 138568 | Dietary Fiber Profile Of Food Legumes
sarhad j agric vol 23 no 3 2007 dietary fiber profile of food legumes arbab riaz khan sahib alam sajid ali saiqa bibi and iqtidar a khalil abstract the dietary ...

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...Sarhad j agric vol no dietary fiber profile of food legumes arbab riaz khan sahib alam sajid ali saiqa bibi and iqtidar a khalil abstract the seven legume seeds was determined by enzymatic methods to assess their nutritional significance at post graduate research lab department agricultural chemistry nwfp university peshawar during total tdf content varied from in lentil guar also found be richest source soluble sdf water insoluble ratios reflected that all contained higher proportion than major constituents were cellulose hemi while pectin lignin minor components highest amount liginin chickpea best data indicated field bean more other species hence they are nutritionally better used menu introduction recent development novel has been recognized as healthy techniques prosky et al for component walker it consists mixture determination foods increasing interest polymeric non starch substances which resist diverted digestion human gastrointestinal hughes legnin some tract most these comp...

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