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picture1_Nordic Diet Plan Pdf 137662 | Fulltext01

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File: Nordic Diet Plan Pdf 137662 | Fulltext01
a better life through diet and physical activity nordic plan of action on better health and quality of life through diet and physical activity short version a better life through ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A better life through diet and physical activity nordic plan of action on health quality short version table contents statement by the council ministers background common challenges ambitions values areas priority cooperation target groups initiatives efforts to further research follow up store strandstr de dk copenhagen k phone anp fax www norden org isbn print aka s arhus design par no co operation cover photos photodisc ingram one oldest most wide ranging regional when not indicated archive from partnerships in world involves denmark finland iceland norway copies sweden faroe islands greenland aland rein printed environmentally friendly paper forces sense community while respecting national differ this publication can be ordered order ences similarities makes it possible uphold interests other publications are available at large promotes positive relations between neighbour ing peoples was formalised set as forum for parliamentarians governments helsinki trea ty has formed framework...

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