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File: Agricultural Pdf 137583 | 63827 Characterizing The Soil For Improved Nut 063b252f
characterizing the soil for improved nutrient management indonesian journal of agricultural science 12 1 2011 17 32 17 characterizing the soil for improved nutrient management in selected maize growing areas ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Characterizing the soil for improved nutrient management indonesian journal of agricultural science in selected maize growing areas indonesia achmad i fauzi fahmuddin agus sukarman and kusumo nugroho centre land resources research development jalan tentara pelajar no bogor phone fax e mail bbsdlp litbang deptan go id corresponding author yahoo com submitted november accepted february abstract ha respective time scale bps ministry agriculture however until demand second most important food crop still imported around one million ton is steadily increasing knowledge properties climate capable supporting a key element developing system aims this study were to characterize classify much higher yield more than t soils at family level taxonomy linking taxa could be achieved among others by with systems was conducted dryland china site specific ssnm ranged from depending on june october eight profiles organic matter water taken karo north sumatra sidomulyo lampung wang et al wonogiri grobogan ...

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