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picture1_W Adams Pacing 2018

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File: W Adams Pacing 2018
pacing strategy of a full ironman overall female winner on a course with major elevation changes by j luke pryor william m adams robert a huggins luke n belval riana ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Pacing strategy of a full ironman overall female winner on course with major elevation changes by j luke pryor william m adams robert huggins n belval riana r and douglas casa this is non final version an article published in form jl wm ra ln rr dj journal strength conditioning research made available courtesy lippincott williams wilkins http dx doi org jsc national association reprinted permission no further reproduction authorized without written from the document not record abstract purpose study was to use mixed methods design describe km triathlon during race triathlete wore global positioning system heart rate hr enabled watch rode bike outfitted power cadence meter high frequency every analyses mean values absolute percent error mape normalized graded running pace accounting for were calculated velocity averaged h w rpm b min respectively minimal variation except measurement unit run varying four fold more than vs less variable raw consistent her planned pre minimized fluctuatio...

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