File: Nutrition For Adults Pdf 137506 | J Eddy Modification 1990
modification of a nutritional questionnaire for older adults and the ability of its knowledge and attitude evaluations to predict dietary adequacy by susan e thomas ms olivia w kendrick drph ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Modification of a nutritional questionnaire for older adults and the ability its knowledge attitude evaluations to predict dietary adequacy by susan e thomas ms olivia w kendrick drph rd james m eddy ded s o j journal nutrition elderly made available courtesy taylor francis http www taylorandfrancis com note figures may be missing from this format document abstract paper outlines nqoa determine extent which can aged years or who participate in title ill c congregate meal program at small community senior center alabama n rsewed as subjects study were shown weak predictors with regard specific components but found significantly adequate intake measured both rda food group standards article health promotion directed chronic disease prevention is cited major public priority adult populations kaufman heimendinger foerster carroll miller stephenson speake u department education welfare because has been implicated several serious diseases life including heart hypertension non insulin depende...