sweet drinks sour consequences many chains still pushing soda to kids authors katie marx alla hill phd rd sara ribakove mba data collection crystal perez phd mph center for science ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Sweet drinks sour consequences many chains still pushing soda to kids authors katie marx alla hill phd rd sara ribakove mba data collection crystal perez mph center for science in the public interest www cspinet org about cspi is your food and health watchdog envisions a healthy population with reduced impact burden of preventable diseases an equitable system that makes sustainable accessible all values independence scientific rigor transparency founded independent based consumer advocacy organization impressive record accomplishments clear ambitious agenda improving support eating acknowledgements we would like thank staff who contributed this report breanne wright claudia malloy peter lurie jorge bach meghan maroney samuel hahn was made possible by generous bloomberg philanthropies more information on model meal policies contact policy december cover image leungchopan stock adobe com executive summary restaurants are key source u s families households children consume outside home be...