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picture1_Food Nutrition Pdf 136204 | Potassium Content Of Selected Fruits

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File: Food Nutrition Pdf 136204 | Potassium Content Of Selected Fruits
food and nutrition information you can trust from dietitians of canada potassium content of selected fruit high potassium 201 350 mg food serving potassium mg apricots canned or fresh 2 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Food and nutrition information you can trust from dietitians of canada potassium content selected fruit high mg serving apricots canned or fresh halves dried banana medium cantaloupe cup ml dates figs honeydew melon small kiwi mango nectarine orange juice papaya pear prune prunes apple blackberries cherries sour sweet cocktail more this is not meant to replace the medical counsel your doctor individual consultation with a registered dietitian copyright all rights reserved may be reproduced in its entirety provided source acknowledged review date university street suite toronto ontario v tel fax website www ca grapes grapefruit lemon mandarin sections peaches peach inch pineapple plums raisins tbsp raspberries frozen rhubarb strawberries tangerine watermelon low sauce blueberries cranberries cranberry grape zest pears th bowes church s values portions commonly used edition jean t pennington j b lippincott company usda national nutrient database for standard reference release k foods per...

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