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File: Ttchalfimcompetitivetraining
toronto triathlon club half ironman competitive training program by associate coach sylvie dansereau who is this for this program is designed for an experienced athlete who has done some half ...

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...Toronto triathlon club half ironman competitive training program by associate coach sylvie dansereau who is this for designed an experienced athlete has done some races or longer events and looking to improve his her performance in long distance order be ready start you should able very comfortably complete the first week of athletes signed up race a that feel they cannot aim their earlier comfortable with volume once are weeks away from day goal build your muscular endurance so can on previous performances will include work as well adding intensity have continuous swim technique open water ride tempo threshold run brick bike workouts effort level below perceived exertion pe chart used guide judge appropriate intensities heart rate hr zones based lactate test results more accurate way measure those interested getting testing determine precise please contact nigel at nrgpt com tests performed nrg discounted cost gst been arranged ttc members description zone easy z recovery workout warm...

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