File: Nutritional Status Pdf 135944 | 20originalobesidad07
nutr hosp 2015 32 5 2038 2045 issn 0212 1611 coden nuhoeq s v r 318 original obesidad nutritional status diet and non alcoholic fatty liver disease in elders 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nutr hosp issn coden nuhoeq s v r original obesidad nutritional status diet and non alcoholic fatty liver disease in elders clarissa lima de melo portela helena alves carvalho sampaio maria luisa pereira antonio augusto ferreira carioca francisco jose maia pinto soraia pinheiro machado arruda universidade fortaleza nutricionista mestre em saude publica docente da curso nutricao unifor estadual do ceara uece professora emerita doutorado farmacologia doutora mestrando pela sao paulo usp estatistico mestrado coletiva brazil abstract estado nutricional dieta y objective evaluate the inter relations between al enfermedad del higado graso no coholic nafld dietary factors alcoholico en ancianos a population of hypertensive resumen methods elder patients were evalua ted from june to december all that objetivo evaluar las interrelaciones entre accepted participate study signed free consent grasa alcoholica hgna factores diete term an anthropometric evaluation was carried out ticos una poblacion...