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File: Aed73506625be70f9eb0cef226c394723c35
marine drugs article water solublefishproteinintakeledtolower serumandlivercholesterolconcentrationsinobese zuckerfa farats aslaugdrotningsvik1 2 id linn anja vikoren 1 3 svein are mjos 4 5 id age oterhals 5 danielapampanin6 olaflesland2 andoddrunanitagudbrandsen1 1 dietary ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Marine drugs article water solublefishproteinintakeledtolower serumandlivercholesterolconcentrationsinobese zuckerfa farats aslaugdrotningsvik id linn anja vikoren svein are mjos age oterhals danielapampanin olaflesland andoddrunanitagudbrandsen dietary protein research group department of clinical medicine university bergen norway aslaug drotningsvik uib no a d l v veddeas tripleninegroup langevag ola esland vedde departmentofclinicalscience departmentofchemistry universityofbergen p o box nomaas boxoasen aage noma international institute stavanger mekjarvik randaberg daniela pampanin iris correspondence nkjgu tel received february accepted april published may abstract proteins from different sh species and raw materials such as llets by products have shown promising cardioprotective effects in rodents humans including oncholesterol metabolism blue whiting is used mainly to produce meal for the feed industry andduringthisproduction awater solubleproteinfraction containing small peptid...

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