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picture1_The Science Of Nutrition Pdf 135706 | 669806584fe2dbd7a70535313f3949ffa9dc

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File: The Science Of Nutrition Pdf 135706 | 669806584fe2dbd7a70535313f3949ffa9dc
medicine  baltimore  md  usa abstract there are no published harmonized  ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Review currentdevelopmentsinnutrition vitamins and minerals harmonizing micronutrient intake reference ranges for dietary guidance menu planning in complementary feeding lynda m oneill johanna t dwyer regan l bailey kathleen c reidy jose saavedra nestle nutrition global r d fremont mi usa tufts university school of medicine friedman science policy boston ma department purdue west lafayette florham park nj retired johns hopkins baltimore md abstract there are no published harmonized nutrient values the period aim study was to develop proposals on adequate safe micronutrients that can be applied surveys from populous countries were selected as pertinent reviewed data most frequently underconsumed identied iron zinc calcium magnesium phosphorus potassium a b e folate key these compared reconciled who fao generally initial targets with institute european food standards authority nal set is proposed curr dev nutr nzaa keywords infants young children gaps excesses intakes birth months copyri...

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