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picture1_Food Nutrition Pdf 135660 | 0648 W14 Ms 11

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File: Food Nutrition Pdf 135660 | 0648 W14 Ms 11
cambridge international examinations cambridge international general certificate of secondary education mark scheme for the october november 2014 series 0648 food and nutrition 0648 11 paper 1 theory maximum raw mark ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cambridge international examinations general certificate of secondary education mark scheme for the october november series food and nutrition paper theory maximum raw this is published as an aid to teachers candidates indicate requirements examination it shows basis on which examiners were instructed award marks does not details discussions that took place at meeting before marking began would have considered acceptability alternative answers schemes should be read in conjunction with question principal examiner report will enter into about these publishing most igcse a level components some o registered trademark page syllabus use abbreviations separates points worth less than alternatives r reject accept correctly cued by i ignore irrelevant ecf error carried forward aw wording where responses vary more usual avp valid point ora or reverse argument underline actual word given must used candidate phrase brackets required but sets context max indicates number italics denote words phra...

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