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...Medicinetoday peer reviewed feature cpd points management of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease key gopala k rangan mb bs phd fracp brian j nankivell md adpkd is a genetic the fourth most condition characterised by common cause end stage in australia gps play an formation multiple fluid filled renal cysts and important role all aspects including initial diagnosis enlargement treatments to slow progression monitoring for complications screening at risk family members include early onset hyper utosomal monogenic chronic tension nephro lithiasis condi ckd it com intracranial cerebral tion mon after aneurysm diabetes glomerulonephritis hypertension liver potential accounts around this population symptoms typically do not adult currently approximately australians with appear until caused middle adulthood nephrolithiasis also associated receive dialysis or have had individual lifetime systemic conditions intracra transplantation failure varies markedly nial ultrasound examination r...