File: Macronutrients Pdf 134877 | S43014 020 0020 5
samtiya et al food production processing and nutrition 2020 2 6 food production processing https doi org 10 1186 s43014 020 0020 5 and nutrition review open access plant food ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Samtiya et al food production processing and nutrition https doi org s review open access plant anti nutritional factors their reduction strategies an overview mrinal rotimi e aluko tejpal dhewa abstract legumes cereals contain high amounts of macronutrients micronutrients but also major which are found in edible crops include saponins tannins phytic acid gossypol lectins protease inhibitors amylase inhibitor goitrogens combine with nutrients act as the concern because reduced nutrient bioavailability various other like trypsin phytates present mainly reduce digestibility proteins mineral absorption one key components these can cause micronutrient malnutrition deficiencies there traditional methods technologies be used to levels several techniques such fermentation germination debranning autoclaving soaking etc contents foods by using alone or combinations it is possible level this focused on different types that products keywords lactic bacteria introduction based foodstuffs have gain...