NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2019 WEL COME To the RAGGIE News. We hope you enjoy the content. Please provide us with feedback on anything you believe we should include going forward. WOD 20.1 ober 2019 RaggiesRaggies 12 Oct 8am Come view the T-Cross at the RAG box FOCUS ON: CROSSFIT OPEN NUTRITION: Healthier Foods for Recovery and Performance ARE YOU GETTING THE MOST OUT OF So once you’ve got the basics of your Crossfit So here’s a list of the Superfoods that have the YOUR DIET? nutrition and clean eating covered, let’s talk most benefits for Crossfitters: about ...
THE PALEO PLAN ATHLETE’S GUIdE Paleo Plan’s mission is to help make following the Paleo diet easier. so here’s a quick cheat sheet for athletes who want to use the Paleo diet to optimize their performance. We’ve got tips for both endurance and power athletes. If you’d like to learn how Paleo Plan partners with CrossFit gyms and other health practitioners, you can read more at: ENDURANCE AthlEtEs • • • • RUNNERS BIKERS SWIMMERS SKIERS MOUNTAINEERS • • • YOU ARE: TRIATHLETES ROWERS CERTAIN TYPES OF YOGIS ETC. Any of these activities ...
VIII . NUTRITION CrossFit Kids is the optimal fitness program for children and The sugar industry is enormous. It is an international addresses the 10 general physical skills via a variety of func- commodity, produced from sugar cane or sugar beet and tional movements performed at high intensity. However, consumed in massive quantities across continents and without changes to food intake (both content and volume), countries. Reportedly, global sugar consumption increases physical progress, though exceptional, will be muted rela- by about 2 percent per year. In the United States alone, sta- tive to the athlete’s potential. tistics indicate the typical ...