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picture1_Macronutrients Pdf 134343 | Food 4201 Syllabus 2021

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File: Macronutrients Pdf 134343 | Food 4201 Syllabus 2021
food 4201 5101 advanced nutrition and energy metabolism instructor dr veronic bezaire 319 steacie building e mail veronic bezaire carleton ca synopsis metabolism of macronutrients in the human body detailed ...

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...Food advanced nutrition and energy metabolism instructor dr veronic bezaire steacie building e mail carleton ca synopsis of macronutrients in the human body detailed catabolic anabolic reactions carbohydrates lipids proteins regulatory control points healthy diseased states discussion literature pertaining to chronic diseases pre requisite course objectives this tackles basis is biochemistry therefore principles will be revisited fate from ingestion onwards examined with each macronutrient pathway we discuss relevant nutritional issues through students learn describe a interpret explain metabolic pathways b identify steps modes regulation c justify need for tissue specific or regulators integrate biochemical knowledge relate nutrient deficiency overload disease analyze interactions between nutrients cross talk tissues d postulate on systemic effects critically topics credible sources information appropriate scope research question evaluate its relevance currency authority biases use ef...

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