File: Healthy Eating Pdf 134178 | Postpartum Companion
wic postpartum nutrition modules 1 2 2012 disclaimer content repurposed with permission from arizona wic this text is intended to be used in conjunction with the online portion of these ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Wic postpartum nutrition modules disclaimer content repurposed with permission from arizona this text is intended to be used in conjunction the online portion of these revised table contents module introduction goals important nutrients and minerals folic acid calcium lactose intolerance low fat options iron foods vegetarian diets fluids other health tips teen weight issues risks for overweight obese women underweight average loss after pregnancy summary positive behaviors healthy eating food safety physical activity managing a attitude sleep caffeine oral smoking alcohol drugs medical gestational diabetes depression difficult outcomes birth infant c section delivery family planning changes caring newborn references bringing baby into world can both amazing rewarding however doesn t mark end or its challenges emotionally socially mother s life dramatically on full range emotions because woman body goes through number beginning labor then returning non pregnant state maintaining good ta...