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picture1_Mini Nutritional Assessment Pdf 134068 | Mna Mini English

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File: Mini Nutritional Assessment Pdf 134068 | Mna Mini English
mini nutritional assessment mna last name first name sex age weight kg height cm date complete the screen by filling in the boxes with the appropriate numbers total the numbers ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mini nutritional assessment mna last name first sex age weight kg height cm date complete the screen by filling in boxes with appropriate numbers total for final screening score a has food intake declined over past months due to loss of appetite digestive problems chewing or swallowing difficulties severe decrease moderate no b during greater than lbs does not know between and c mobility bed chair bound able get out but go goes d suffered psychological stress acute disease yes e neuropsychological dementia depression mild f body mass index bmi m less if is available replace question do answer already completed calf circumference cc max points normal status at risk malnutrition malnourished more depth full which www elderly com ref vellas villars h abellan g et al overview its history challenges j nutr health aging rubenstein lz harker jo salva guigoz y undernutrition geriatric practice developing short form sf geront review literature what it tell us societe des produits nestle s vevey...

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