File: Parenteral Nutrition Pdf 134056 | Annsurg00073 0104
annals of surgery vol 217 no 3 286 292 1993 j b lippincott company effect of total parenteral nutrition plus morphine on bacterial translocation in rats peter m kueppers m ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annals of surgery vol no j b lippincott company effect total parenteral nutrition plus morphine on bacterial translocation in rats peter m kueppers d thomas a miller chung ying k chen s gregory smith liliana f rodriguez and frank g moody from the department university texas medical school houston objective this study tested hypothesis that gut stasis induced by sulfate ms leads to enhanced tpn summary background data are common adjuncts care critically ill patients is known provoke variable degree induces with an accompanying overgrowth these two treatments combination not methods were provided central subcutaneous lines for continuous infusion nutrients drugs respectively intestinal transit was assessed caudal movement fluorescent marker intubated into proximal duodenum quantitative bacteriology carried out various segments ileocecal mesenteric lymph nodes mln spleen liver systemic blood obtained cardia puncture sacrifice at hours results unchanged alone but prolonged when given also ...