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picture1_Nutrition Chart Pdf 133646 | Nutritional Info

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File: Nutrition Chart Pdf 133646 | Nutritional Info
athletics est 2011 department nutritional guide 1 contents part 1 guidelines 3 athletics nutrition guidelines 4 meal plan selection chart 6 meal plan health information part 2 recipes reafasts unches ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Athletics est department nutritional guide contents part guidelines nutrition meal plan selection chart health information recipes reafasts unches dinners fast food options references and resources atie oris it is important to hae protein at eer necessar for muscle uildin recoer hih car meals ith little no are outdated not ideal athletic performance alanced consistin of a moderate amount carohdrates proteins fats he ratio should e approimatel percent carohdrate fat commonl non as the one hirt seems lie lot ut helps proide sustained ener leels primaril in form unsaturated loer more amounts help eep lood suar stale ithout peas or crashes his carohdratesproteinsfats onl stead maimum also eeps athletes lean addition proper fie si smaller portioned three snacs eaten than four hours apart rather larer seeral an essential contriution aoid oin loner durin da snac carbodrate ources ruits eies eanslentils carprotein source rice ron other rains oatmeal cream heat rits reads hole rain eeiel read c...

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