guidance note on menu labelling is aimed at informing consumers about the calorific value and nutritional content of the food in india eating out is a common practice nowadays it ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Guidance note on menu labelling is aimed at informing consumers about the calorific value and nutritional content of food in india eating out a common practice nowadays it important for to understand what they eat crucial step towards helping citizens make informed choices while ordering will provide customers with information help them well feed their children when dining choose smaller portions promote public health maintain market share restaurants qsrs gain competitive advantage as healthy place this document intended guide regulated service premise owners operators implement requirements per aforementioned regulations regulatory provisions sub regulation safety standards packaging first amendment dated st august specifies display establishments effect from january fssai issued directions under section fss act vide which has been conveyed all commissioners central licensing authorities that samples items listed cards boards booklets by fbos shall not be taken up check verify respec...