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picture1_Agriculture Thesis Pdf 133545 | 5831 Aib750b 1

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File: Agriculture Thesis Pdf 133545 | 5831 Aib750b 1
chapter 2 dietary recommendations and how they have changed over time carole davis and etta saltos the u s department of agriculture has been issuing dietary recom mendations for over ...

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...Chapter dietary recommendations and how they have changed over time carole davis etta saltos the u s department of agriculture has been issuing recom mendations for years as research base underlying these expanded considerably century evolved to keep pace with both new findings changing patterns in food consumption activity pop ulation spite changes many todays recommen dations remain impressively similar those yesterday introduction nutritionists public private sectors giving advice americans more than a however that when usda published its first specific vitamins minerals had not even discovered since then researchers identified number are essential health determined minimum levels required prevent nutritional deficiencies such scurvy beriberi policiessuch iodine fortification salt enrichment flour products is director nutrition promotion staff nutritionist center policy aib ers b vitaminstogether consumer education eliminated united states elimination improved control infectious dis...

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