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picture1_Food Nutrition Pdf 133527 | Wg Copper Uncertainty Factor

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File: Food Nutrition Pdf 133527 | Wg Copper Uncertainty Factor
nutrition unit scientific panel on nutrition novel foods and food allergens th minutes of the 5 meeting of the working group on the uncertainty factor for copper hbgvs held on ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Nutrition unit scientific panel on novel foods and food allergens th minutes of the meeting working group uncertainty factor for copper hbgvs held january via web conference agreed february participants members harry mcardle chair peter aggett josef schlatter hearing experts not applicable european commission or member states representatives efsa nutri agnes de sesmaisons lecarre charlotte salgaard nielsen scer jean lou dorne prev daniele court marques welcome apologies absence welcomed adoption agenda was adopted without changes safety authority carlo magno a parma italy tel www europa eu declarations interest groups in accordance with s policy independence decision executive director competing management screened annual filled out by invited to present no conflicts related issues discussed this have been identified during screening process interests were declared orally at beginning agreement topics discussion final draft output reviewed wg work is expected be shared nda possible end...

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