File: Food Labelling Pdf 133137 | Country Of Origin Food Labelling
a guide for business country of origin food labelling current as of march 2021 this guide will help businesses comply with the australian consumer law s country of origin food ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A guide for business country of origin food labelling current as march this will help businesses comply with the australian consumer law s requirements and understand how to avoid making false misleading or deceptive claims be updated during transition period incorporate any changes www accc gov au contents summary obligations overview role flowchart applying standard priority non foods understanding key concepts grown produced made packed that is in single packaged using from another determining content display percentage on label work out additional contain varying highlighting specific ingredients australia imported designing displaying labels looking further small packages unpackaged fresh fruit vegetables transparent packaging online sales clear accurate safe harbours other about your products logos pictures colours symbols promotional materials substantiating claim compliance acl contact us email updates ii information commenced july it requires most suitable retail sale carry ma...