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picture1_Geriatric Nutrition Pdf 133062 | 2 2019 03 10!04 21 24 Pm

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File: Geriatric Nutrition Pdf 133062 | 2 2019 03 10!04 21 24 Pm
geriatric nutrition prof dr najlaa fawzi total body weight tends to peak in the 50s remains stable until 70 and then slowly declines after age 70 75 loss of lean ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Geriatric nutrition prof dr najlaa fawzi total body weight tends to peak in the s remains stable until and then slowly declines after age loss of lean mass lbm starts typically with a kg each year which is usually offset by an increase fat that continues at least years this can represent per se not normal part aging very healthy elderly range only dietary quality plays major role preventing or delaying onset chronic diseases older persons living poverty are as likely have diet adults need protein carbohydrate vitamins minerals water getting enough nutrients may be challenging some require special attention vitamin d c iron folic acid b zinc energy most use less calories same amount but few choose nutrient dense food about daily no more than from should obtained complex carbohydrates...

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