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picture1_Template For Submission | Sample Submission

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File: Template For Submission | Sample Submission
template for submission of manuscripts to revista brasileira de farmacognosia this template is to be used to prepare manuscripts for submission to revista brasileira de farmacognosia please consult the guidelines ...

icon picture DOC Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 06 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Template for submission of manuscripts to revista brasileira de farmacognosia this is be used prepare please consult the guidelines authors or a recent issue journal appropriate paragraph styles use benefit author in that entire manuscript text tables and graphics may submitted one file inserting figures close point at which they are discussed can also reviewer not requirement using type your directly into select highlight you want replace begin typing i e title section there many different components abstract main figure captions etc represented insert within as chart scheme table create new line graphic where desired if visible ensure word style normal with an automatic height adjustment size artwork needs adjusted re program paste maximum width single column cm double delete all sections from needed including these instructions save place menu it document doc must brief grammatically correct accordance contents article taking consideration scope objectives autor first names initials...

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