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picture1_Food Pyramid Pdf 132002 | Dr Rachna Mishra 2

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File: Food Pyramid Pdf 132002 | Dr Rachna Mishra 2
basic concept of balanced diet dr rachna mishra associate professor department of home science isabella thoburn college lucknow 1 basic concept of balanced diet 1 introduction 2 food pyramid 3 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Basic concept of balanced diet dr rachna mishra associate professor department home science isabella thoburn college lucknow introduction food pyramid my plate a balance can be defined as the one which contain different types in such quantities and proportion that calories energy other requirements are adequately met small provision is made for extra nutrients to withstand short duration illness provides all required amounts proper proportions achieved by carefully selecting combining items from groups amount needed meet daily dietary will differ according age gender physiological status level physical activity should have variety foods moderation hence these aspects consists it includes ensures supplied this each group supplies certain including needs because selected based on recommended intakes laid down individual provide period leaness safety margin or little those time when you do not need your nutrient triangle diagram representing optimal number serving eaten day its purpose ma...

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