File: Macronutrients Pdf 131936 | Appendix E3 1 Table A4
table e3 1 a4 nutritional goals for each age sex group used in assessing adequacy of usda food patterns at various calorie levels source child female male female male female ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Table e a nutritional goals for each age sex group used in assessing adequacy of usda food patterns at various calorie levels source child female male goal level s assessed macronutrients protein g rda kcal amdr carbohydrate dietary fiber total fat saturated dg linoleic acid ai linolenic minerals calcium mg iron magnesium phosphorus potassium sodium ul zinc copper manganese selenium vitamins vitamin rae d iu c thiamin riboflavin niacin b choline k folate dfe recommended allowance adequate intake tolerable upper acceptable macronutrient distribution range and guidelines limit per basis...