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picture1_Nutrition Pdf 131733 | 214065125

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File: Nutrition Pdf 131733 | 214065125
east tennessee state university digital commons east tennessee state university electronic theses and dissertations student works 5 2007 assessing perceptions toward implementation of the nutrition care process among registered dietitians ...

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...East tennessee state university digital commons electronic theses and dissertations student works assessing perceptions toward implementation of the nutrition care process among registered dietitians in northeast jessica lee gourley follow this additional at https dc etsu edu etd part medicine health recommended citation paper thesis open access is brought to you for free by it has been accepted inclusion an authorized administrator more information please contact digilib a presented faculty department family consumer sciences partial fulfillment requirements degree master science clinical may elizabeth lowe chair alison schaefer jamie kridler keywords diagnoses model abstract purpose study was survey determine attitudes prior following education about or their respective healthcare facilities approximately were involved data collected through submission written inquiries findings identified that there need further research regarding negative opinions barriers broken down exposure cont...

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