CONFIDENTIAL Study No. FOOD DIARY Please complete: / / Date of birth Please enter ‘M’ if you are Male or ‘F’ if you are Female: CAMB/FD/3 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 03 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Confidential study no food diary please complete date of birth enter m if you are male or f female camb fd general instructions introduction as will see each day is marked in sections we would like to keep this everything beginning with first thing the morning and eat drink over next seven days ending bedtime for part write down all consumed completing carefully take some time amounts a description but very important nothing eaten drunk draw line through that section it do not adjust what at end there list snacks just because keeping record drinks can easily be forgotten continue whatever normally any extra items here have already recorded them other provide us much detail prepare recipe possibly box provided try eating from memory read pages help describing foods thank include range photographs page shows an example completed give brand full name products packaging many commercial weights printed on so use these show how ate answer questions back after detailed tea leaves bag milk cup...