sample manuscript for journal of physical and chemical reference dataa a author 1 2 b b author 2 b and c author3 c d 1 department university city postal code ...
Filetype Word DOC | Posted on 06 Jul 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sample manuscript for journal of physical and chemical reference dataa a author b c d department university city postal code country corporation or laboratory street address state spell out full name zip usa this is an abstract it gives the reader overview in article we provide instructions on how to prepare submit your paper data american institute physics aip authors must follow given document staff appreciates effort our style when preparing key words use as guide will ensure that submission be required format please read all following preparation carefully their entirety good scientific english s responsibility files submitted through online electronic system at http jpcrd peerx press org articles prepared either microsoft word doc docx file revtex latex entire should set up cm pages with margins way around font point size reset according specifications but most commonly times roman begin title names affiliations followed by body tables figures if any included section consecutively...