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picture1_Hippa Wendy Sterling

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Hippa Wendy Sterling

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Model hipaa notice of privacy practices this describes how protected health information about you may be used and disclosed can get access to please review it carefully if have any questions contact wendy sterling ms rd my pledge regarding i understand that your is personal am committed protecting applies all the records care generated by whether made personnel or doctor will tell ways in which use disclose also describe rights certain obligations disclosure law requires us make sure identifies kept private notify protect explain when why follow terms currently effect required procedures reserve right change new provisions effective for maintain posting revised office making copies available upon request on site following categories different without written authorization treatment provide with coordinate manage medical services doctors nurses technicians students other who are involved taking staff share order things need such as prescriptions lab work x rays people outside clergy oth...

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