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picture1_Nutrition Pdf 131225 | Athlete Nutrition

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File: Nutrition Pdf 131225 | Athlete Nutrition
florida state sports nutrition don t let the summer months beat you it doesn t take long to ruin all of your hard work from the school year make nutrition ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Florida state sports nutrition don t let the summer months beat you it doesn take long to ruin all of your hard work from school year make a priority this so return campus prepared for next season packet highlights and explains each goals promoted at follow these guidelines stay ener gized during exercise enhance recovery between workouts maintain healthy body composition habits champions hydrate refuel eat regular intervals choose varied balanced diet meet energy needs fsu dietitian laurel tomko ms rd ld n moore athletic center training room ltomko edu daily checklist complete ensure are achieving opti mal i ate breakfast meals nutritious snacks pieces fruit servings vegetables low fat dairy products lean source protein in meal carbohydrates selected foods moderate or drank water regularly throughout day powerade intense conditioning refueled within minutes following took multivitamin dehydration raises temperature makes harder lower intensities causes headache dizziness fatigue leads...

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