File: Nutrition Pdf 131119 | Svb Cbbin425 Chipotle Black Bean Burgers 25oz
ordering code svb cbbin425 chipotle black bean burgers vegetarian 4 25oz low saturated fat no cholesterol good source nutrition facts of fiber 19 grams of protein per serving serving size ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Ordering code svb cbbin chipotle black bean burgers vegetarian oz low saturated fat no cholesterol good source nutrition facts of fiber grams protein per serving size burger g trans preservatives servings container ingredients hydrated textured vegetable water soy amount concentrate caramel color cooked beans calories from brown rice daily value onions expeller pressed canola oil corn chili powder wheat total gluten arrowroot red peppers egg whites flavoring yeast extract maltodextrin salt natural flavorings jalapeno garlic flavor spice and extractives sugar onion tomato dehydrated bell lime juice mg flavors cilantro pepper sodium storage shelf life potassium months date production when stored frozen at f c or below carbohydrate cook dietary preparation sugars keep prior to use for food safety an internal temperature oven preheat bake place on ungreased baking pan approximately minutes until browned carefully flip vitamin a additional well heated through skillet stovetop calcium iron n...