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File: Sylmicroii0405
microeconomics ii an introduction to game theory and general equilibrium professors antonio cabrales andreu mas colell ta michal pozarzycki michael schreibweis winter 2005 contact information email antonio cabrales upf edu ...

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...Microeconomics ii an introduction to game theory and general equilibrium professors antonio cabrales andreu mas colell ta michal pozarzycki michael schreibweis winter contact information email upf edu phone fax website http www econ es ecabrales office jaume i hours tuesday or by appointment mcolell tba textbooks fudenberg tirole the mit press a course in osborne rubintein vega redondo economics of games cambridge university hildenbrand kirman analysis north holland starr new york whinston green microeconomic oxford aims scope objective this is how individuals optimal decisions interact between themselves sense it fitting continuation which studied individual decision making first part devoted second main difference that has noticeable impact on aggregate outcome whereas single maker cannot affect situation approximate schedule weeks preliminaries definitions players strategies payoffs representing strategic form extensive strict weak dominance prisoners dilemma beauty contest nash exi...

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