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picture1_Production Pdf 130652 | Iii Year Ii Sem Farm Managment  Production Economics Angrau 2020

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File: Production Pdf 130652 | Iii Year Ii Sem Farm Managment Production Economics Angrau 2020
1 acharya n g ranga agricultural university department of agricultural economics lecture notes course no aeco 241 farm management and production economics 1 1 compiled by dr t v neelakanta ...

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...Acharya n g ranga agricultural university department of economics lecture notes course no aeco farm management and production compiled by dr t v neelakanta sastry professor s college tirupati theory sl topic meaning definitions scope relationship with other science economic principles applied to the organization business variable proportions determination optimum input output minimum loss principle cost factor substitution product law equi marginal returns opportunity comparative advantage time comparison type farming specialization diversification mixed dry ranching systems co operative capitalistic collective state peasant planning need for types plans simple plan whole characteristics a good basic steps in budgeting budgets enterprise partial linear programming assumptions advantages limitations distinction between risk uncertainty sources technical risks price or marketing financial methods reducing nature subject matter objectives problems constant increasing decreasing diminishin...

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