forum empresarial issn 1541 8561 issn 2475 8752 forum empresarial upr edu universidad de puerto rico puerto rico macroeconomic fluctuations taylor s rule and the dynamics of unemployment and inflation ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Forum empresarial issn upr edu universidad de puerto rico macroeconomic fluctuations taylor s rule and the dynamics of unemployment inflation in rodriguez carlos a vol no available https www redalyc org articulo oa id pdf generated from xml jatsr by project academic non profit developed under open access initiative uctuations ination fluctuaciones macroeconomicas regla y la dinamica del desempleo inacion en university hp orcid abstract rough structural decomposition blanchard quah this paper studies eects impulses associated with united states supply demand on island according to results short run responds mostly unanticipated shocks monetary policy also received november aggregate long is declining revised december accelerating mainly face an expansion u accepted january caused establishment keywords economic regional resumen este trabajo estudia los efectos impulsos asociados con estados unidos oferta demanda local sobre las tasas e isla traves descomposicion estructural desarrollada...