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picture1_Society Pdf 130359 | 00final Report Abbreveations

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File: Society Pdf 130359 | 00final Report Abbreveations
list of abbreviations 5s seiri seiton seisou seiketsu shitsuke sort straighten shine systematize standardize self discipline ad authoritarian developmentalism adli agricultural development led industrialization apec asia pacific economic cooperation bmei ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...List of abbreviations s seiri seiton seisou seiketsu shitsuke sort straighten shine systematize standardize self discipline ad authoritarian developmentalism adli agricultural development led industrialization apec asia pacific economic cooperation bmei basic metal and engineering industry bob bureau the budget thailand bof oxygen furnace bpr business process re cad computer aided design cae cam manufacturing ceo chief executive officer cnc numerical control cso civil society organization cwg cluster working group dbe bank ethiopia dd democratic dfid department for international die deutsches institut fur entwicklungspolitik german institute dlp developmental leadership program dri direct reduced iron eabmei ethiopian association metals eaf electric arc ecbp capacity building edri research eei electrical electronics eepco power corporation efy fiscal year eki kaizen epa planning agency board korea epb eprdf people revolutionary front epu unit malaysia epz export processing zone esc str...

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