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picture1_Economic Policy Pdf 129805 | Economic Institutions Npt

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File: Economic Policy Pdf 129805 | Economic Institutions Npt
economic institutions and institutional change in turkey during the neoliberal era zak atiyas september 2012 published in slightly revised form new perspectives on turkey no 14 pp 45 69 fall ...

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...Economic institutions and institutional change in turkey during the neoliberal era zak atiyas september published slightly revised form new perspectives on no pp fall abstract last three decades turkish economy has become much more open market oriented this paper provides an account of changes underlying that have accompanied transformation particular it assesses whether or not emerged constrain discretionary powers executive area policy resulted a rule based transparent framework story broadly emerges is first two were predominantly period increased discretion at expense rules by contrast after crisis one witnesses substantial delegation decision making power to relatively independent agencies establishment but uniform across sectors there are divergences between de jure their facto implementation moreover also examples do fit general trend especially case construction industry finally recent signs suggest government may be having second thoughts about excessive independence regulator...

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